Friday 6 September 2013

Frosh week! Chanting is fun!

I was shocked by this when I saw it. Shocked and appalled. A bunch of 'student leaders' at St. Mary's University in Halifax chanting about what St. Mary's boys like in the way of sex: Y - your sister, O - o so tight, U - underage, N - no consent, G - grab that ass. But the reaction to it has been predictably silly and shallow: People are shocked, disappointed, offended by the U and the N, sometimes even the Y, while the O and the G generally seem to get a pass.

First of all, I’d love to know who came up with this chant (fricking dumbass ‘student leaders’ – these are the same kind of 'bro-choice' morons who somehow figure they have the moral authority to ban pro-life groups from campus), but the reality here is that even if what they’re chanting is evil – not ‘inappropriate’ or ‘sexist’; evil – we should understand that they’re mostly just sheep who would chant pretty much anything they were told to chant, just because that’s what the others are doing. (Some have criticized the chant as mindless behaviour, which is correct, but keep in mind that most frosh week activities consist of mindless behaviour.) As for the chant itself, people who think that this is a matter of sexism are not thinking clearly. If someone thinks it is okay to rape women, his (or her) problem is not that he (or she) thinks it is okay to discriminate against women. Using that kind of (stupid) reasoning, you could just as well say that someone who thought that consensual sex with women was okay was sexist. The problem is with the attitude towards rape; the sex of the victim is not morally relevant. If someone who raped only women was thereby sexist, then someone who raped only men – or even just mostly men – would likewise thereby be sexist, and the non-sexist course of action would be to ensure that half of one's rape victims were male and half female (and one should very occasionally rape an inter-sex person, if possible). Which is, of course, utter nonsense. (Think about it, if you need to. Some (many? - most?) feminists seem to think that the main evil in the world is sexism, so whenever they see some evil they instinctively try to classify it as a form of sexism. If you’re interested in understanding the truth and living in reality, this is a stupid thing to do.)

Secondly, this kind of disgusting, brain-dead trash – this chant, that is – is precisely what our wonderful public education system naturally gives rise to. I’ve had perfectly nice, ordinary, not-racist-or-homophobic kids – i.e., high school graduates, university students – in  my moral reasoning class who can quite blandly say stuff like, “The Holocaust was wrong from our perspective; but maybe it was right for them, for the Germans seventy years ago – who are we to judge?” Does anybody think that kids are just NATURALLY that dumb? No, that kind of stupidity is the result of indoctrination – that is, a corrupt education. These masses of publicly-educated – i.e., semi-educated – moral imbeciles are simply the wretched products of the massive influence of the education system – including the mass media, and especially entertainment media – that produced them. They’re not awful people. They’ve just been constantly taught that there is no truth in questions of morality; that sex is fun and healthy, so go ahead be creative, do whatever feels good – just wear a condom, you’ll be fine; that we all know you’ll have sex anyway, regardless of what anyone says, so again, have some more condoms. Of course the truth about such matters is also readily available (if not equally so to all), at least to anyone who actually cares to look for it (which is to say, very few people). But when you’ve got this army of clever, cool, progressive, rich, beautiful, sexy, successful adults telling teenagers, go for it, there are no moral issues here; just do what you want, whatever feels good to you; remember: it’s bad to judge others’ behaviour – progressive, fun, tolerant, GOOD people don’t judge; well, isn’t it a big surprise when some kids – in fact, most of them – actually decide to buy into the lies? Is it a surprise when they end up thinking, “No one has a right to judge me, I can do, think, say whatever I want if it makes me feel good... (oh, also: vote for me! – next mayor of NY!)”? Once you get kids (who do become adults, even if they never become mature) to start thinking like that, guess what? It doesn’t really matter what politically correct lines you try to draw in the sand after the fact; you have already so destroyed their basic powers of judging the truth that such ‘relatively-moral’ lines can never exercise any genuine – that is, moral, rational, properly human – constraint upon their thinking, saying, and acting. All you’re left with to constrain behaviour are arbitrary exercises of techniques of social coercion – public shaming, enforced ‘sensitivity training’ (i.e., more BS ideological indoctrination) – which always ignore and sometimes exacerbate the roots of the problem.

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